My dear little Touko,
It's me! Your lovely rokiya.
Welcome to Github! I hope you can like this place -- that we will build together.
Here's a little task for you:
1. Learn a Pull Request in Github.
This is the code I write for my homework.
Now You're going to approve my code and celebrate one of the hard homework I just done!
I'm super excited!
Do the following:
1.1 Come here:
1.2 Add your review (just random comments)
1.3 Click "Merge pull request".
1.4 (Optional) Click "Delete Branch"
Whenever you done the task, I will know by email. And you're excellent first step (instead of a stupid plain hello-world project like others) will be recorded in the Github forever!
Hope you like it?
Always love you,
Install Pythonnet
echo 'export USE_OSX_FRAMEWORKS=0 ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64" pip install git+' >> ~/.zshrc
brew update
brew install pkg-config
brew install glib
brew install mono
pip install pythonnet